- 16.04.2013 April 18, 2013 KUTEL invites to Open Day!
- 15.04.2013 Advertisement!
- 11.04.2013 Shevchenko days
- 26.03.2013 Review by visiting Literary-Memorial Museum of Paul Ticino apartment in Kiev
- 24.03.2013 ATTENTION! Monday March 25, 2013 ANNOUNCED holiday for all students and staff!
- 11.03.2013 March 14, 2013 KUTEL invites to Open Day!
- 07.03.2013 Seminar pedagogical skills faculty KUTEL "Interactive learning technology in higher education: Theory and Practice"
- 21.02.2013 British Council held a presentation of research results "English at the workplace"
- 18.02.2013 February 21, 2013 KUTEL invites to Open Day!
- 15.02.2013 Excursion students of Economics and Law School to the National Museum of Ukrainian Decorative Folk Art