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Economics and Law School

The school trains students:

On the basis of general secondary education (full-time form of study) in trades:

  • cook
  • Duration of training is 1 year.


Educational process at school provides qualified teaching staff. Classes are held in the newly styled classrooms, language laboratories, computer laboratories with modern computers, the school restaurant, bar, kitchen, in the gym.

Depending on the chosen profession, students study accounting, finance, statistics, service in hotels and restaurants, food technology, a number of legal disciplines.

In addition to special courses students take a general, technical, human training, which forms the students' skills, creative thinking and high moral qualities.

College graduates can work for the organization of tourism agents, waiters, cooks, confectioners, barmen at the enterprises of food, clerks in the organizations, enterprises, firms, secretarial administration, secretarial and clerical support in various legal, commercial and public enterprises.

After graduating from college you will receive a State diploma of skilled workers and a certificate of complete general secondary education (based on the 9 classes), and you will be able to continue studies at the Kyiv University of Tourism, Economics and Law.

Education on a contractual basis. Reception of documents held from June 7.


  • document on the main or full general secondary education in the original;
  • medical certificate in form 086-y;
  • 4 photos (3x4 cm);
  • copy of the identification code;
  • copy of passport or birth certificate.

Personally present passport or birth certificate, military ID (certificate of postscript to the enlistment offices).


Professional training includes the mandatory passage of the practice, which allocated almost 50% of training time. Practice takes place in teaching laboratories and production plants, with which agreements have been concluded, and this above all: hotels, travel agencies, restaurants, shopping centers, courts and notaries.


Calendar of events

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