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Private zone

Personnel department

Acting Head:

Rodionova Irina 

Phone: (+38 050) 919-79-27

Cabinet: № 209

The main tasks of the personnel department:

  1. Providing assistance to the university department in the selection and placement of teaching staff, administrative and managerial staff, teaching and supporting personnel.
  2. Registration of receipt, shift, transfer and dismissal of employees of the University.
  3. Maintaining personal files of all categories of staff and students of the University.
  4. Maintain personal and statistical records of all categories of employees and students of the University, by established forms, improve methods of data processing.
  5. Preparation of all types of reporting to work with staff and the timely submission of its to the statistical agency, the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine and other institutions.
  6. Consideration of proposals, applications, complaints, explanations of reception of citizens on matters relating to the competence of the personnel department.

Schedule of work of the personnel department:
Tuesday, Thursday from 9.00 to 13.30

Personnel department is located at:
st. The General Zhmachenko, 26.


Calendar of events

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