15.10.2020 IV Interuniversity Student Scientific and Theoretical Conference "The law of Ukraine: problems and perspective directions of development"
13.10.2020 Advertisement! About the organization of KUTEL work from 15.10.2020
02.10.2020 Dear teachers and staff of Kyiv University of Tourism, Economics and Law! Please accept our sincere congratulations on your professional holiday - Day of employee education!
01.09.2020 Attention! Advertisement!
24.06.2020 The Department of Military Training announces the recruitment of Ukrainian citizens for training under the reserve officers program
26.03.2020 Order on organization of educational process in KUTEL for the period of quarantine
17.03.2020 Dear students! You can pay for tuition through a bank or online without leaving home!
11.03.2020 Advertisement! Suspension of the educational process at KUTEL!
23.01.2020 KUTEP is visiting Kharkiv for events for law schools
23.01.2020 Winter practice at the Faculty of Tourism, Hotel and Restaurant Business