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Library - This is the house,
which always comes stored and spirituality.
Remember that the old library
called "Home of Life",
"Shelter of Wisdom",
"Pharmacy for the soul".
V. Sukhomlinsky

The mission of the library is the accumulation, preservation and organization of their own and global information resources that meet the requirements of the educational process and research work at the university.

Library of Kyiv University of Tourism, Economics and Law - gate to the world of knowledge, established in July 1996.

Foundation of library is universal in content. Much of the funds are a specialty publication of the university. The library receives about 100 periodicals in ukrainian and other languages.

The structure of the library - acquisition and processing sector literature, subscribe, reading room where students, teachers and university staff receive training, scientific literature and periodicals.

Today the library provides users with the following services: distribution and reception of publications and unpublished documents of library-bibliographic classes for students of 1st year of information culture, organizes exhibitions, creates science-themed signs on topics of international conferences, such as: "Tourism and convergence cultures ", "Tourism in the context of globalization: challenges".

All items in the Library are processed using the new technology of processing and systematization of documents, the program IRBIS.

An integral part of the library is to help the reader to the information contained in the electronic and card catalogs, card indexes.

Electronic information resource that combines electronic catalog book publications, dissertation abstracts, bibliographic database of publications periodicals of University for specialty, "Scientific Notes of KUTEL", Materials of conferences, round tables, etc.

We hope that familiarity with our site will guarantee the formation of a qualitatively new system of effective educational relationships: Teachers - Library - Student.

Library - an indispensable partner and assistant in the departments, dean and university departments.

The main function of the library - information support of the educational and scientific processes of university are performing professionally trained and friendly employees.


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