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International Scientific Conference "Space Travel: Science, Education, Practice". December 2, 2010

Kyiv University of Tourism, Economics and Law (KUTEL)
Institute of State and Law. V.M. Koretsky NAS of Ukraine
(International Centre for Space Law)
Tavria National Vernadsky University
International philosophical and cosmological Community
Kharkov University Planetarium Y. A. Gagarin


International Scientific Conference "Space Travel: Science, Education, Practice".
December 2, 2010


The conference takes place at the Kyiv University of Tourism, Economics and Law. Address: 02192 Kyiv, str. General Zhmachenko, 26.
Organizers: Research Department and Department of Philosophy and Social Sciences

Organizing Committee:

Chairman - Fedorchenko V.K., Doctor of Pedagogy, professor, Rector of Kyiv University of Tourism, Economics and Law.

- Pazenok V.S. Doctor of Philosophy, professor, corresponding member of Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Vice Rector of KUTEL.

- Fomenko N.A., Ph.D. in Education, professor, Vice Rector of KUTEL.

- Tsehmistrova GS, Ph.D. in Education, professor of KUTEL, rector of educational work of KUTEL.

- Kruchek O.A., Ph.D. in History, head of research of KUTEL.

- Bazaluk O.O., Doctor of Philosophy. Head of Department of Philosophy and Social Sciences of KUTEL.

Conference Objectives:

  • understanding the philosophical perspectives of tourism development;
  • search for new approaches and methods surrounding space;
  • analysis of ideas of space that are relevant for the further development of culture, science and education;
  • formation of planetary and space personality type as the image of man's future.
  • study of modern ideas on space travel, the prospects for its development;
  • analysis of modern development project the moon, Mars and other planets.

The conference is conducted within the department of analytical research projects target program "Tourism as a social phenomenon: problems of theory and practice".

Format - Full-time. Following the conference planned publication of reports and papers at the conference. Registration fee is 50 UAH.

Applications for participation in the conference are accepted until 15 November 2010.

The application must specify: 1) name, patronymic (fully), 2) job (training) 3) academic rank, academic degree, 4) the subject of speech, 5) contact information (phone, e- mail, home address with postal code).

Abstract: not more than 10-12 pages, margins: top, bottom - 2,5 cm, left, right - 2,0 cm indentation around the same text (1.27 cm) program Word 6.0/95 or Word 97, font Times New Roman Cyr.; 14 size, line spacing of text - one and half, a bibliographic reference list drawn up in square brackets, placed after the mention in the text of the work and this work contains a number of bibliographical list and, if necessary, the page ( for example: [3, pp. 67]). No automatic footnotes!

Organizing Committee, responsible: Bazaluk Oleg, e-mail:, contact tel.: +380503251656

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